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Should You Be Friends Before Dating? Three Things To Consider.

Is it important to be friends before dating? Maybe. Maybe not. Most people find some level of fear in dating a friend.. And that makes sense. After all, there is a possibility to ruin a perfectly good friendship.


Friendships make the best relationships. A friend already knows you. They know your likes and dislikes They know what makes you happy. They know what brings you joy. They know how to support you and when to let you figure things out for yourself. A friend is always there. A relationship that is built on a strong friendship will be successful. You spend less time in the “getting to know someone” stage. You probably already know their family. And their friends. In fact, you probably share a similar friend group. Those friends, your family, and your friends will know whether or not this person is good for you.  

Dating a friend means you already trust the other person. You don’t need to wonder whether or not they are trustworthy and this takes away a level of stress. It encourages an unmatched transparency. You get to see the true character of the other person long before any romantic interests happen. You will truly know who you are dating.       


This question has to be asked. Are you interested? Are you lonely? Do you feel like your “time” is running out? 

The thing with dating a friend is that you have probably seen ALL of their stuff!  ALL of it! Now ask yourself, what is it about this friend that makes me want to cross the line? Perhaps they have the qualities that you desire in your perfect date. Perhaps you appreciate their realness. It could be that you think they are funny. Answer this question right now...ARE YOU TRULY INTERESTED? 

You will ruin your friendship if you are just being desperate. Yes. I said it. Desperate. Are you? Be honest about the reasons you want to date your friend. 


Expect awkwardness. If you’re going from a platonic friendship to a romantic relationship then you can expect things to be awkward. Even if you have had romantic feelings for your friend for some time there might still be an adjustment period. Something as simple as what to wear may become more complicated when you begin dating. You may find that you all of a sudden hate your hairstyle or haircut. You will probably be more conscious of your physical appearance and may even experience some internal discomfort. That’s okay. Just remember to keep the communication open in the relationship. Let the other person know how you are feeling. There is a high chance that they are feeling it too. And, if you find you need help, then feel free to schedule a visit with us here.