Christian Wellness Center

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Healthy Communication Tips For Your Relationship

Communication can make or break a relationship. While it’s okay to have a different communication style than your partner, it’s how you work together to incorporate your styles into healthy, effective ways of connecting. 

Whether you’re struggling to communicate in your relationship or you know there’s room for improvement, you should always be willing to make an effort to keep growing — together. 

With that in mind, let’s look at a few healthy communication tips for your relationship that can make a big difference in your connection with your partner. 

Be an Active Listener

Communication is always a two-way street. Everyone deserves to be heard, understood, and valued. The best way to do that is to prioritize active listening. 

When your partner is speaking, let them know that you’re listening — not just hearing. Provide verbal and nonverbal cues. Ask questions. Repeat things if you need clarification. 

Active listening is a basic form of respect, but it will go a long way in your relationship. You’ll understand your partner’s perspective more clearly. Plus, they’ll be more likely to show you the same respect and be an active listener when you’re speaking. 

Make Time for Communication

There’s no question we’re living in a busy, tech-forward world. Maybe you don’t have communication problems in your relationship — you just don’t have time to effectively communicate. 

Unfortunately, that can lead to a disconnect between you and your partner. One of the best ways to improve your communication and closeness is to simply make time for it. 

Choose to focus on each other every night for an hour before bed instead of watching TV. Have a date night without cell phones. Spend 30 minutes each morning chatting over coffee. Whatever you decide to do, make sure there are no distractions and no pressure to be anywhere else. 

When you prioritize communication time, you’re showing your partner that what they say matters, and you value that connection within your relationship. 

Use “I” Statements

Whenever you’re trying to bring up how you feel to your partner, make sure you do just that. Instead of immediately describing what they’re doing “wrong” or what they could be doing better, use “I” statements. 

Saying something like “you always…” or “you never…” can immediately put someone on the defensive. Instead, start with “I feel…” when you’re trying to address a situation. Your partner is more likely to want to change whatever behavior is causing a problem because they don’t want to hurt or upset you. 

Learn Your Partner’s Communication Style

Again, it’s completely okay to have different communication styles in a relationship. But, it’s important to learn what your partner’s is and how to meet them there. 

If you have different styles, they might say or do something that you don’t understand or maybe even don’t like. But, don’t take offense to it right away. Ask yourself what they really mean, and how you might be hearing things differently through the lens of your own communication style. 

The more you’re willing to learn about each other and how you communicate, the better you’ll be able to understand each other. 

If you’re having a tough time with that, consider working with a professional. A therapist can help you and your partner dig deeper into your communication styles. They can also provide even more effective strategies for healthy communication that you can work on together. 

There’s always room for better communication in every relationship. Don’t wait until you and your partner are having problems to reach out for help. Contact us for more information or to set up an appointment for marriage therapy. Together, we’ll work on communication techniques that can make your relationship stronger than ever.