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How To Be A Better Partner In A Relationship

Relationships require work. Don’t give into the myth or the fairytale that the best relationships are free from arguments and don’t require a lot of effort from either partner. 

After all, the things you have to work for in life are usually the most rewarding, right? So, it makes sense that you should want to be a better partner in your relationship. 

That doesn’t mean putting on a show or being someone you’re not. It doesn’t mean giving up your identity or losing your sense of self for the benefit of your partner. 

However, it does require some effort, and that’s a good thing! So, what can you do to be a better partner in your relationship, and benefit from it? 

Recognize That You’re On the Same Team

One of the most important keys to any healthy relationship is strong communication. That includes arguments. Yes, even healthy and happy couples argue – they just know how to do it the “right” way. 

No matter what you’re talking about with your partner, even if you disagree on a subject, remember that you’re on the same team. You don’t have to approach everything the same way, but you can still enjoy end goals together. 

It’s easy to get caught in the trap of thinking your partner is somehow “against” you when you don’t agree on everything or want different things for the future. Do your best to remember that you don’t have to have the same approach to everything. When you go through your relationship and conversations reminding yourself that you’re on the same team, things are bound to be better. 

Look Inward

Truly being a better partner requires you to look inward and be more self-aware. While it might be easy (and tempting) to look at your partner’s faults and not your own, we all have things we could be doing better. 

When you have the ability to identify and understand your own emotions, you’ll develop a better understanding of why you might feel a certain way toward your partner or relationship. So, instead of jumping to conclusions or placing the blame on your partner for something, you can see where those issues might be stemming from by looking within. 

Be More Empathetic

One of the best things you can do for your relationship is to show more empathy. Being empathetic is essential in any type of relationship. But, in a romantic partnership, partners who show more empathy can also boost intimacy. 

Being empathetic with your partner will encourage them to open up more and recognize that they have a safe space with you to share their thoughts and feelings. It shows that you’re an active listener and you aren’t just going through the motions, but you truly care and what to put yourself in their shoes. 

While you can’t force your partner to do the same, the more empathetic you are, the more they’re likely to return the desire and behavior. 

Stay Positive

Relationships go through ups and downs. Not every day will be great, and depending on what else is going on in your life, you won’t always be completely excited and thrilled every day. You don’t have to put on a happy face or pretend you’re doing okay when you’re not. 

But, in general, try to keep an attitude of positivity surrounding your relationship. If you choose to remain negative about it more often than not, you’re never going to be able to appreciate the good things. You might even start to develop a negative bias based on your own attitude. That’s not fair to your partner.

Yes, being a better partner takes effort and reflection. But, if you’re putting to put these suggestions into practice, you’ll be able to see the benefits in your relationship sooner than you might think. 

Reach out to learn more about couples coaching.