Are You Finding It Difficult To Forgive Your Partner?

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Have you decided to stay in your marriage despite an instance of infidelity or breach of trust? Do you struggle with navigating the practical and emotional aspects of finding solutions in your marriage? Are you in a partnership that could benefit from the guidance of a “mentor couple” to model healthy behaviors? 

You may be experiencing feelings of isolation or distrust, resulting in a compulsion to be constantly “checking up” on your spouse after a cheating incident. This preoccupation with your partner’s whereabouts and activities may have caused you to be less productive at home or work. You may simply find that you have not been able to access the focus or joy that you maintained before infidelity affected your marriage. 

Perhaps you have rationally committed to the idea of forgiving your partner after an affair, but your emotions have yet to catch up to that commitment. Maybe you feel as though your marriage is not recovering at the speed you would like. 

You may think you would feel happier or more at ease if you could just assure yourself that the breach of trust would not happen again. And while you may have decided to work out your relationship problems together, you don’t have to embark on the journey without guidance. 

Couples coaching at Christian Wellness Center is a great opportunity to learn firsthand from couples who have struggled with infidelity in the past about how to overcome trust and intimacy issues in your marriage.  

Infidelity Can Make It Difficult For Married Couples To Find Resolution And Common Ground

As mentioned in our Affair Recovery page, infidelity is an extremely common phenomenon. According to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, surveys indicate that, nationally, 15 percent of married women and 25 percent of married men have had extramarital affairs. The incidence is about 20 percent higher when emotional and sexual relationships without intercourse are included.

Cheating looks different to different couples—whether infidelity comes in the form of emotional affairs, watching pornography, or sex outside of the marriage. And while we may anticipate what morals we would abide by if our partner ever cheated, the reality of the situation is always different than what we may have previously envisioned. Feelings of shame and confusion may cause us to struggle with reacting in a way that aligns with our own ethics and others’ opinions of our relationship. 

Couples often fail to understand that cheating is prevalent and that resources exist for the sole purpose of helping partnerships navigate and overcome infidelity. Coaching is a way for these couples to learn alongside other marriages that have forged a pathway to forgiveness and resolution. 

Coaching Helps Couples Overcome Challenges Using The Perspective Of Those With Similar Experiences

As with so many challenging experiences in life, it’s helpful to have the empathetic guidance of someone who understands what you have been through. Infidelity is no different. And witnessing the healthy communication behaviors of a couple who has overcome an affair can provide the necessary perspective and insight on your journey towards a solution. 

At Christian Wellness Center, we tailor our coaching plans for each individual couple based on the history of and presenting issues in the marriage. We work from a solution-focused perspective based on the premise that action needs to be taken as soon as possible in order to feel better about your relationship. While you may be experiencing conflict and pain now, our counselors will coach you to work through the pain collaboratively so that you can heal together. 

Using a Christian standard of love and acceptance of both self and others, we will help you to imagine a future after the storm. You and your partner will be paired with a therapist/coach who will use personal experience and professional training to help you build your listening and communication skills, greatly reducing the potential for future conflict and transgression and opening the way for a lasting and sustainable marriage. With an approach that blends therapeutic modalities and anecdotal insights, you and your partner will feel less alone and more hopeful during and after the process of couples coaching. 

We are confident that our counseling and coaching methods can provide relief to couples who are struggling. By discussing your marital problems with a couple who understands, you can learn to move away from the pain of infidelity and towards one another. Receiving guidance and support from couples who have overcome their own hurdles can help you see clearly what a successful relationship looks like and that a loving and resolved relationship is within your reach. 

For years, counselors and therapists at Christian Wellness Center have coached couples through the infidelity recovery process. By using our personal experiences and solution-focused approaches, we are uniquely suited to help you better understand your marriage and yourself. Moreover, we are prepared to coach couples who face other marital challenges beyond infidelity.  

True forgiveness and grace are achievable—and couples coaching can help you get there. 

Perhaps you are considering couples coaching, but you have some concerns…

What is the difference between couples counseling and couples coaching?

While we are certified therapists and counselors at Christian Wellness Center, we see the value of couples coaching as being less clinical and more relatable in nature. Our team’s personal experience with infidelity provides a unique and meaningful perspective in helping you to feel seen and supported. By having an empathetic and honest dialogue with other couples who have overcome an affair, you will be more likely to find hope and recognize successful behaviors that have been modeled to you by those with similar backgrounds and experiences. 

I am worried couples coaching won’t work. 

We’ll be square with you: this process may or may not work. Every couple is different and reacts to infidelity differently. Some marriages can simply not find resolution after an affair has taken place. However, you wouldn’t be here exploring our site if you weren’t invested in finding solutions for the marital problems you’re facing. The processes of couples counseling and coaching—while not guaranteed to necessarily “fix” your marriage—will at the very least teach you something meaningful about yourself and your relationship. Contact us and see what it may do for you.  

How long does the process of couples coaching take? 

Our personalized approach to couples coaching makes it so there is no set timeline for each unique couple. The time spent in session will be greatly dependent on the presenting issues in your marriage and the commitment you make to engage in healthy relationship behaviors outside of the session. The great thing about counseling and coaching is that the process is designed in a way to set your marriage up for a sustainable future in which you can access necessary skills for conflict-resolution. While this process requires time, it’s an investment in yourself and your marriage that will pay off down the road. 

Explore Avenues For Finding Peace In Your Marriage

If you have committed to staying in your marriage or relationship despite an instance of infidelity, couples coaching at Christian Wellness Center can help you to imagine a future that is free of distrust and conflict. For more information about our counseling and coaching services or to set up an appointment, call (810) 771-8948 or contact us online today. 

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