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What Problems Do Interracial Couples Face The Most?

Today’s interracial couples don’t necessarily face the same challenges couples did decades ago. But, that doesn’t mean all challenges and obstacles are gone. Some have to do with societal issues, while some can be pretty personal. 

It can be hard to believe that today’s society still has lingering issues with interracial couples, but it’s the reality we’re living in. 

Having an understanding of those problems can help you prepare for them together. When you face those challenges head-on as a couple, you’ll be able to overcome them without compromising the health of your relationship. 

Racism and Discrimination

Again, today’s racism might not look like it did in the 1940s or 1950s, but it’s still alive and well. People are still discriminated against when it comes to careers, opportunities, and more, no matter how well institutions and brands try to hide it. 

On a smaller scale, discrimination can feel pretty personal. Some people are bold enough to make comments about certain races publicly. Others don’t make outright comments, but treat certain races with less respect. Obviously, that can quickly play with someone’s emotions and self-esteem, but it can also lead to anger and frustration. 

Family and Friends

Don’t be surprised if not everyone in your inner circle is thrilled about your relationship. Most will be. But, there are some people who still have outdated views about what a couple should look like, and nothing will change their minds. 

If those people can treat you and your partner with respect, that’s one thing. But, if they make it a point to repeatedly bring up their negative opinions, you’ll have to consider whether you really want them to remain in your life. 

Different Backgrounds and Ideas

In today’s world, being different races doesn’t necessarily mean you come from completely different backgrounds. You both could have grown up a block from each other with the same opportunities, education, and similar upbringings. 

But, there are likely to be some differences that stem from old traditions and cultural norms. It could include things like how to celebrate holidays to how to raise children. Understanding potential issues upfront can make a big difference in how you communicate and work through them. 

Managing Stress

As you might expect, all of these problems can cause a lot of stress, both for each individual and on your relationship, as a whole. Being able to manage that stress while still tackling the daily challenges can be overwhelming at times. 

On a personal level, it can cause you to feel run down, burnt out, and anxious. It can also take a toll on the strength of your relationship. 

What Can You Do?

It’s important to remember to tackle the problems you face together. That starts with healthy communication. Be as open and honest with your partner as possible, and address issues as soon as they come up, rather than letting them linger in your mind. The more you understand each other, the stronger you’ll be as a unit. 

Next, make sure you’re practicing self-care. Don’t let the stress of your challenges get the best of you. Prioritize things like sleep and physical activity. Maintain your mental health by journaling, practicing mindfulness, and meditating. 

Most importantly, don’t feel like you have to face these problems alone. If your relationship is suffering because of the problems addressed here, consider reaching out for help. 

Couples coaching (or individual therapy) is a fantastic way to address any underlying issues in your relationship. It provides a safe space for you and your partner to open up. When you do, we will be able to help you navigate those challenges together, and end up feeling closer and stronger than ever.