Why Do I Still Feel Anxious Even Though I Love God?

The Bible tells us over and over not to be afraid. Phillippians 4:6 tells us not to be anxious about anything, but to pray. We’re told to cast our anxieties and burdens on God because he cares for us. 

While you might know those things and believe them in the very core of your soul, the reality is that we still live in a fallen, sinful world. A times, it can be downright scary. We go through difficult situations and experiences — some of which can feel impossible to handle. 

We live in a world where the unknown seems to reign. Even though we know who the real ruler and king is, anxiety is still an epidemic. It doesn’t make you a “bad” Christian and it doesn’t make you love God any less. 

But, it might make you wonder why you’re feeling so anxious when you know the truth. 

Don’t Believe the Lie

Even though the Bible tells us not to be anxious, don’t believe the falsehood that you can’t be a Christian while still struggling with anxiety. 

There are countless things in this world that can cause and trigger anxiety, and while we’re told not to fear, it’s important that we look at those commands in context. God doesn’t tell us not to be anxious because it’s silly or because there’s nothing to be afraid of. 

In fact, Jesus tells us that we’ll face many trials. As Christians, we will struggle. If you’re not struggling at different points in life and you’re trying to pretend that everything is okay because you think it’s the Christian thing to do, you’re missing the point. 

Reaching for Jesus’ Hand

When you think about some of the most beloved followers of Jesus in the Bible, you’ll quickly see that many of them struggled with fear, anxiety, and doubt. 

A shining example of this is Peter walking on the water with Jesus. He was able to step out into the storm with Christ as long as he never took his eyes off of his Savior. The minute he looked away from Jesus, he began to sink. But, Jesus held out his hand and brought Peter back up. 

God isn’t judging you for your anxiety. When he looks at you, he sees Jesus. He doesn’t want to punish you for what you’re feeling. He wants you to keep your eyes on Him and take His hand. 

What Can You Do? 

As a Christ follower, there are plenty of things you can do to combat anxiety while maintaining and growing your faith. 

First, reach out to other believers you have trusting relationships with — including your pastor or elders within the church. Talk to them about how you’re feeling. You might be surprised to learn that they’ve struggled with anxiety, too. 

Then, don’t be afraid to reach out to a counselor or therapist for help. There are plenty of Christian counselors out there who are happy to integrate faith into their practices. They’ll help you work through your anxious thoughts through a Biblical perspective, so you can let go of the guilt you might be feeling and finally start healing. 

Being anxious doesn’t mean you love God any less. In fact, it can end up fostering a closer relationship between you and God. It can help you learn to keep your eyes on Him, even when things seem uncertain and scary. It can help you reach for His hand so he can keep you from sinking. 

If you’re ready to talk and get the help you deserve, you can find freedom from anxiety. Feel free to contact us to set up an appointment soon for anxiety therapy.